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We’ve “moved the cheese” a few times in recent years in our Tutoring and SI programs, so we wanted to take a few minutes to clarify exactly what programs we now offer, and how they all work.

If you, like myself, are a visual learner, you may find this PDF diagram helpful. If you’d rather have some straightforward definitions, here’s the scoop:

General Tutoring

Classic individual tutoring, arranged by appointment. Tutors typically cover two or more classes and operate with little faculty oversight. Each tutor may also offer one drop-in hour per week for students to stop by with questions. More drop-in hours can be added as needed.

Embedded Tutoring

A highly flexible model that pairs a student with one specific class. Embedded tutors work closely with the course instructor to determine the best set of services for the class. As an instructor, you might require that the embedded tutor attend the supported class. You might ask the tutor to help in class or lab, or they may offer any combination of individual and group tutoring outside of class. Requests for embedded tutoring can be submitted here.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

SI provides structured group study for a specific class. The SI leader is required to attend the class, and to plan and facilitate two or three study sessions each week. The SI model emphasizes student-to-student interaction and active learning. Requests for SI support are due this Friday, Dec. 4 and can be submitted here.

Technology and Equipment Tutoring (Tech tutors)

A tech tutor offers assistance with a particular set of equipment or technology - usually, but not always a computer software. Tech tutors can meet with students individually, but they can also offer open lab hours or drop-in hours. Requests for Technology and Equipment Tutoring can be submitted here.

If you’d like something not described here, we may be able to modify an existing program or create something special, so don’t hesitate to ask! Although we think you’ll find the forms pretty easy to use, we also accept requests for all of these services via email at We’re happy to take questions or concerns by email or at 551-6047.